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Drumsticks of Doom #1 K Lynn Smith variant cover

Drumsticks of Doom #1 K Lynn Smith variant cover


This heavy metal comic with werewolves and demons has been a huge hit for Jon Westhoff and I so far, with a successful Kickstarter campaign and issue two right around the corner! Written by Jon and illustrated by me, this limited version features a variant cover by K Lynn Smith! (Plume, For Goodness Sake, House of Lowther)


Here's the synopsis:


When Black Sabbath (not the Beatles) became the world’s most famous band, the universe was changed, musically and otherwise. Lost arts, like Alchemy, were made common, schools taught about transfiguration and alternate science, Demons were summoned and some stuck around.

Lana LOVES music. She has played in bands all through high school and now, in college, she still plays in her ex’s fledgling metal band. Secretly, she stays so she can play her own music after her ex leaves band practice. At her age, she is starting to think pursuing music might not be the path destined for an independent songwriter. With the Billboard music charts being dominated by the Heaviest of metal, Lana is content practicing her songs with her band mate, Jimmie. Bands like hers are doomed to the local scene. She’s not even brave enough to find a full band. The two-piece are finishing up their best practice yet when they are drawn into a spiritual battle to keep metal on the top of the charts. 

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